“Azul Bahia Granite” from eastern Brazil has the reputation for being a very expensive decorative stone. It's distinctive in having considerable non-iridescent blue coloration. “Azul Bahia Granite” is a sodalite metasyenite (a.k.a. sodalite foyaite, sodalite foidolite) having sodalite (blue) (Na4(Al3Si3)O12Cl), feldspars & feldspathoids (white), mafic minerals (black), and epidote (greenish) (Ca2FeAl2(Si2O7)(SiO4)O(OH)). It comes from the Itabuna Syenite Complex, a late Neoproterozoic unit (about 676 million years) that intruded through the São Francisco Craton.
Locality: commercial quarry at Fazenda Hiassu, city of Itaju do Colonia, southeastern Bahia State, eastern Brazil.
Sodalite metasyenite (“Azul Bahia Granite”)