Many caves have abundant small to large, irregularly to blocky masses of rock littering the floors. These result from partial collapse of cave ceilings (breakdowns). Some famous caves have had major block collapses in recent times (e.g., Mammoth Cave in Kentucky, USA). No one has yet reported hearing or witnessing breakdowns at Carlsbad.
All collapsed blocks shown below are composed of limestone. Some are coated or covered with travertine.
Collapsed block covered by dripstone, flowstone, and coralloids. The inclined top surface is a limestone bedding plane. Note that the stalagmites are pointing vertically upward, demonstrating that block collapse preceded the formation of those particular speleothems. King's Palace, Carlsbad Caverns.
Collapsed blocks, near the Boneyard, northwestern corner of the Big Room, Carlsbad Caverns.
Collapsed blocks, near the Boneyard, northwestern corner of the Big Room, Carlsbad Caverns.
Collapsed blocks, near the Boneyard, northwestern corner of the Big Room, Carlsbad Caverns.