Flowstone is a variety of speleothem formed by mineral precipitation from water flowing over a broad area (sheet flow).  It's usually travertine (composed of calcium carbonate).  Flowstone can be seen on the floors and walls of caves.  It also frequently covers stalagmites and columns.  Flowstone almost always has a subaerial origin.  The physical form of flowstone closely resembles frozen waterfalls, and frequently has a ribbed & wavy surface pattern.


All the flowstones shown below are composed of travertine.


Flowstone, Queen’s Chamber, King’s Palace Trail, Carlsbad Caverns.


Flowstone covering a stalagmite, Queen’s Chamber, King’s Palace Trail, Carlsbad Caverns.


Flowstone, Green Lake Room, King’s Palace Trail, Carlsbad Caverns.


Flowstone covering a stalagmite, Queen’s Chamber, King’s Palace Trail, Carlsbad Caverns.


Bashful Elephant (upper right) - eroded flowstone, passage between the King's Palace & the Green Lake Room, Carlsbad Caverns.


Flowstone, northwestern portion of the Big Room, Carlsbad Caverns.


Flowstone, northwestern portion of the Big Room, Carlsbad Caverns.


Flowstone, northwestern portion of the Big Room, Carlsbad Caverns.


Flowstone, King’s Palace Trail, Carlsbad Caverns.



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