Kaolinite is a common & important clay mineral.  “Clay” has more than one meaning in geology, which is unfortunate.  Clay refers to a group of silicate minerals that result from chemical weathering of other silicate minerals.  Clay also refers to very fine-grained sediment (each grain is less than 1/256 of a millimeter in size).  Clay minerals include kaolinite, montmorillonite/smectite, diaspore, illite, etc.


The 1st specimen shown below is an earthy mass of millions of tiny kaolinite crystals.  In this form, kaolinite appears deceivingly like chalk or diatomite.  But, kaolinite won't bubble in acid as chalk does.  Kaolinite is whitish, soft, and powdery.  It has an earthy feel & an earthy smell.  When wet, the earthy smell is stronger and kaolinite becomes noticeably sticky.


Kaolinite is an aluminum hydroxysilicate - Al2Si2O5(OH)4.  Under electron microscopes, kaolinite crystals are seen to be thin, hexagonally-shaped sheets.  Kaolinite forms from weathering or significant hydrothermal alteration of aluminosilicate minerals.


Famous localities for kaolinite (a.k.a. kaolin) include Cornwall & Devon in southwestern Britain, where hydrothermal metamorphism has completely altered the feldspars of granite batholiths.  This material has been used to make English China.    When heated over 500º C, the tiny crystal plates of kaolinite curl up as the hydroxyls (OH-) are driven away in the form of water.  The tiny curled plates hook together to make ceramic.  Ceramic remains in a hard state because the molecules won't take back the water to make kaolinite again.


Kaolinite is also moderately common in the Southern Appalachians of America (for example, in South Carolina and Georgia).  In these areas, a kaolinite-rich clay occurs in Cretaceous-aged onlap deposits.  The kaolinite comes from chemical decomposition of feldspars in sands produced by erosion of the ancient Appalachians during Triassic and Jurassic times.


Kaolinite (4.6 cm across) from a kaolinite quarry in Twiggs County, central Georgia, USA.  Massive kaolinite in this area occurs in lenses in paleodeltaic sands of the Tuscaloosa Formation (Upper Cretaceous).



Kaolinitized agate - this is a bizarre, but fascinating, specimen of an agate (quartz) nodule replaced by whitish, powdery kaolinite.

Locality: Salta Jacui, Rio Grande do Sul State, far-southern Brazil.



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