The Virginia Kendall Ledges (Ritchie Ledges) area of northeastern Ohio is an isolated platform of Sharon Formation sandstones (Morrowan, upper Lower Pennsylvanian) surrounded by a lower land surface of Cuyahoga Formation shales & siltstones & sandstones (Lower Mississippian).  The edges of the platform are impressive cliffs of brown quartzose sandstones and pebbly sandstones with large blocks apparently separating from the rest of the platform (joint separation and lateral sliding of blocks or dissolution along linear fractures?).  The lower Sharon Formation's three-dimensional architecture is readily observable at this locality.  Apparent channels of pebbly sandstones and conglomeratic sandstones are abundant.  Some of the channelforms have been interpreted as confluence scours (plunge pools at the downstream end of an ancient gravel island in a braided stream).  This locality is world-famous for its relative abundance of overturned crossbedding (the top portions of the crossbeds have been pushed over).  There's also a very rare example of sheath folding of sandstone crossbeds.


Overturned crossbeds in lower Sharon Formation quartzose sandstones (Morrowan, upper Lower Pennsylvanian).


Overturned crossbeds in lower Sharon Formation quartzose sandstones (Morrowan, upper Lower Pennsylvanian).



Honeycomb weathering developed in quartzose sandstones of the lower Sharon Formation.




Extensive “Liesegang banding" obscures the primary bedding features in many places.  “Liesegang banding” refers to stripes of iron oxide mineralization in porous rocks, precipitated by moving groundwater fronts.  “Liesegang banding” may follow primary bedding features, or may cut across primary bedding geometries.




Location: Ritchie Ledges at Virginia Kendall Park, south of Haskell Run & north of Kendall Park Road/Truxell Road, Cuyahoga Valley National Park, north of Akron, northern Summit County, northeastern Ohio, USA. 



Some information provided by Neil Wells.



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